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  /    /    /  Regional DCP Toolkit

Regional DCP Toolkit

Project Name:

Regional DCP Toolkit


The City of Wodonga in association with a regional group of councils and in partnership with the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA)




Development Planning

Service Provided:

The City of Wodonga in association with a regional group of councils and in partnership with the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) has engaged Mesh to prepare a Regional Development Contributions Plan (DCP) Toolkit for regional councils to guide the implementation, administration and financial management of Development Contributions Plans (DCP).

This is what we did:

As part of the project, Mesh conducted a needs analysis in order to understand the current and futures needs and requirements of each partner council as it related to development contribution planning, preparation, implementation, administration, reporting and review. The result was a toolkit that details each partner council’s summary of DCP projects, project cost estimates, development context, growth summary, current approach to infrastructure funding, key gaps and risks and how these can be mitigated and a set of Recommendations in terms of next steps and how they can apply the Regional DCP Toolkit.
