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  /  Anju Maharjan
Anju Maharjan

Anju Maharjan

Urban Design Intern / Admin Assistant

As a recent addition to the Mesh team, Anju brings a wealth of expertise; with four years of experience in architectural projects spanning residential, commercial, and hospitals. Her journey includes two years in Urban Development projects, focusing on residential land development. 

She has seamlessly collaborated with culturally diverse communities, contributing to heritage projects like Rebuilding Kasthamandap and Jay Bageshwori Restoration, utilising a community-based participatory approach. Now, having joined the vibrant landscape of Victoria, Anju is excited to immerse herself in local projects. Her enthusiasm and commitment promise to contribute to the creation of more joyful, healthier, sustainable, and inclusive communities. 

urban design intern, admin assistant
education: Bachelor in Architecture, Masters in Urban Design and Conservation