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  /  Josh Lee Ramirez
Josh Lee Ramirez

Josh Lee Ramirez

graduate urban designer

Josh has a keen interest in participatory planning and design, putting people at the front of high-quality urban interventions. 

Josh started his career as an architect overseas, where he discovered his passion for urban design. He moved on to a role at UH-Habitat, where he dealt with projects regarding public space design, community development strategies and urban design guidelines; all through a participatory approach. Josh believes in the power of meaningful community engagement to create powerful urban outcomes. 

He also has a key interest in design communication, using diverse media as a tool to make projects a reality. To further develop his skills, Josh is currently pursuing his Master of Urban Design at the University of Melbourne. 

graduate urban designer
education: Master of Urban Design, The University of Melbourne - Present, Melbourne Graduate Scholarship, Bachelor of Architecture, Tecnológico de Monterrey and Exchange Program, RMIT University