
Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel aliquet nec eget arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus vitae.

  /  Peter Tolan
Peter Tolan

Peter Tolan

student urban designer

Peter has always had a passion to use design as a tool to genuinely improve the lives of individuals and communities. 
Peter is currently studying his Bachelor of Design (Landscape Architecture) at RMIT. 
Peter believes that people-focused/social design practices can lead to equitable and responsible outcomes. One of his key interests through his studies is the exploration of queering design. This practice aims to create safe spaces in the public forum for marginalised communities. 
During his time at Mesh, Peter has shown immense growth in his urban design and landscape design technical skill set. Peter is a great asset to the Mesh team and provides valuable assistance on all projects. He is confident in challenging landscape design, especially when it leads to better outcomes. 

student urban designer / landscape architect
education: Current: Bachelor of Landscape Architectural Design, RMIT University